Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Great Harvest!!

We planted this mango tree at the back yard of our house since we shifted here. It has grown strong and big by the days. We used to have fruits but are always attacked by insects and at the end we only have a few to taste.
For this season, we decided to hang a few insect traps around the tree. Look there are lots of insects trapped inside and die!!
Look at these mangoes!!

there are more behind the branches/leaves....
I think she can do better...
there are some more up there!
She has done a great job!!
yes, she got them! the mangoes are in the net!
Closer view of the net...
oh yes, this net is our own invention!!
I crocheted this net to hold the mangoes so that they will not drop on the ground!
4 mangoes in the net!! I think this is over 1 kg...
The harvest for the day!

some rambutan.....